среда, 19 мая 2010 г.

Заставить Opera открывать линки по CTRL+Click

Взято отсюда:
Follow these steps:
Go to Preferences (ctrl + F12) -> Advanced -> Shortcuts -> Keyboard setup
Select 'Opera Standard' -> Duplicate.
This will create a new entry 'Copy of Opera Standard'. Select this -> Edit...
Then under 'Browser Window' -> New...
Enter 'ctrl enter' for shortcut and 'Open link in background page' for action.
Hit OK
Now the most important step. Make sure 'Copy of Opera Standard' is selected under Keyboard setup (otherwise changes will not take affect).
Hit OK to close Preferences.
Shutdown Opera.
Start Opera.
Go to Preferences again. Confirm 'Copy of Opera Standard' is selected under Keyboard setup.
Enjoy Ctrl + Click :-)